Star Trek. Unlike Wolverine, this was a good movie standing alone. The franchise had been laid pretty low by the Lawrence Luckinbill fiasco (Star Trek V in 1989), followed by the dead cat bounce of ST VI. Of course, we can’t count anything that has old baldy in it as being “true” Star Trek—that is just for the latecomers who are merely posers in the ST world. The universe that is (was) Star Trek needed a lift, a new direction. And with Mr. J. J. Abrams it got just that. You might remember JJ from his various hit TV series, specifically Felicity (forgettable), Alias (unforgettable), and the TV old cult and new quirk shows, Lost and Fringe. He used the same team as for this movie in resurrecting the Mission Impossible franchise (M:I 3 in 2006) after it went into cardiac arrest following a too large dose of Thandie Newton. The good news is JJ has new flicks for both series coming out in 2011. But I digress....
The plot is a tad hard to follow but only where the time warp thing intersects with it; temporarily suspending mental discomfort is rewarded in the end as Eric Bana—far too villainous to be a simple mining ship captain—explains it all in the end. The effects are, of course, excellent. I can’t wait to get this on BluRay on my big TV. But the strength of the movie is in the personality development (including the offhanded introduction) of the regulars in their younger versions. Chris Pine was an excellent choice for Kirk, and Spock and Scotty were also good selections (but not as good). He more than anyone, though to a great extent all the main characters, had a sense of the mannerisms, inflection, and personalities of their older alter egos. There were times I could actually see Shatner on screen as young Kirk moved or spoke. Spooky. (or is that Spocky?)
I recommend the movie highly, as you may have guessed. If I had quibbles (vs. tribbles) it would be that an old wrinkled Nimoy got way too much screen time—maybe they needed to wring out every last dollar they paid him to come back—and the relationship between young Spock and Uhuru was completely fabricated and added nothing but static to the story. But those complaints are swallowed up by the overall beauty of the film as a whole. Go, see, enjoy.
P. P. S. The similarity of one plot contrivance with one of JJ's TV series was pointed out to me (I had been only subconsciously aware of it, if at all). We should look to make sure none of the starships in the movie were named USS Rambaldi. (thank you, Andrea)
Wall-E. How did this piece of crap get so much hype? OK, Best Animation, I can give you that (though that should be a technological award, it sure didn't deserve it for story--that should go to Bolt, see below). I saw a lot of previews of Wall-E rolling around on earth, gathering and crushing stuff, but the setup for that was nonexistent. The actual movie, however, is about 20% on earth and 80% rolling around on a spaceship full of fat cartoon people. The only thing more disgusting than cartoon characters who are morbidly obese is real people who are morbidly obese. Ugh! Bad plot, uninteresting characters, and tragic overhype. But the animation was good.
RocknRolla. As a Guy Ritchie fan—I watch LSATSB and Snatch whenever I channel surf by them—I was disappointed by this one. It just wasn’t good. And it didn’t have the fully intertwined plot that GR is known for. I was hoping it would redeem him from his bizarre and mind warping previous offering of Revolver, with his old standby Jason Statham (after that one, I’m not surprised Jason wasn’t in this flick, but I hope Gerard Butler’s career can survive it).

The Reader. Ah, the Academy. They finally got one right. An excellent, though sometimes depressing, film. You wouldn’t think movies about the Holocaust would still be made in
was pretty good (even though French). The mouse was so cute, the story sounded like a heartwarming underdog tale...in short it had all the elements for a good marketing campaign. Inane, predictable, and way too long. Not even sure kids would like it, though the artwork might hold their interest.

Sukiyaki Western Django. Wow, this one looked like it had it all--Tarrantino, Kung Fu with a Western theme, hot Asian chicks...what more could you ask for? How about a clue.... It earned its way into my top 25 worst movies of all time. Rated R? That was for Run...away from this movie immediately. Should have been X, for Xtremely awful. Nuff said.

Burn After Reading. This is one of those movies that Grossi would have called “cute.” It was certainly silly, but that’s how the Coen Brothers must have conceived it. Brad Pitt does an excellent job portraying a dim-witted gym rat (though because it’s him, you know he’s just acting—the curse of the supercelebrity) and Frances McDormand is equally good as a loony, scheming co-worker. Malkovich and Clooney add to the insanity, though they are pretty much over-the-top most of the film (esp. George). The best of the bunch, in his typically understated way, is Richard Jenkins (the dead father of Six Feet Under). If you’re in the mood for a silly flick with some top stars having fun with each other, pop some corn and sit back.
Body of Lies. Very interesting film. I think this is the best work Leo has done since Blood Diamond. And Russell Crowe is excellent as well—I actually bought into his southern accent and sleazy persona. The two work well together so the dialogue was a treat. What is the most intriguing part of this movie is how it got made. I suspect the funding came from moderate elements in the
It was the name of the town--go figure. Still, it was a modern rendering of an oldstyle western, more authentic than either of the syrupy Wyatt Earp movies in the early 90's. It's sad that Westerns don't often live up to what they used to be; in fact, people say Unforgiven was the last best western. It’s a special category for sure, and one that is frequently exploited to bad ends. (See discussion of Sukiyaki WD above.) In the 50's and 60's the Western mythos represented the last great sense of adventure and independence. We had won the Great War, muddled through a smaller one, just getting into another one, and were adrift over our place in the world, uncertain what it was all about (Alfie). All that got lost in the pre- and post-Woodstock era, and it's no coincidence that the last best Western was released in 1992, as we were careening to the left towards dependency and government control instead of independence and self-reliance. But...I digress. There are some unsatisfying parts of this film that roll around in my head, but I can't verbalize what they are. Maybe that's what it was really like after all--just life.
Whew, that's about it for today. I have some mediocre ones left and some real stinkers. Stay tuned... til next time.
Adjure obfuscation.