Poor Bella, she exceeded her allotment of 9 (by a lot) and is now working on the next 99. Or the one. If she is reincarnated as a human--a violation of the "you don't go backwards in your development" rule--I expect she will be a Hollywood diva, complete with more than a normal share of entitlement and aloofness. But then, she was a calico.
There are 3 things about Bella I will never forget--how she used to twitch her tail like crazy when she thought it was dinner time (which was quite frequent); how she managed to hide in the fireplace for hours right before one of our trips to Lakeland; and how she snuck into the house attic/rafters one December and played around (running from my rescue attempts) until she was sure I had given up, and then wandered back down.
And yet, we do still think of her every time we take the pups out for their evening walk. The voice of my mom still echos in my head--Don't Let the Cat out!