Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Veep Debate

Wow.  That was not as awful as I had anticipated.  Unless you count the myriad lies told by Senator Harris and the hideously slanted questions from the moderator.  How can a rational human mind not see right through that?  Oops, I forgot there are no rationale Dems.  My bad.  If Sleepy Joe and Kreepy Kamala win the election, I hope to all things sacred that Joe can hold out for all 4 years, because the only thing worse than a Biden presidency would be a Harris administration.  Oh, I do so hope America hasn't totally lost its mind come November.

I understand if you don't like Trump...TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is a powerful thing.  Then please vote (i) for Pence, for America, or (ii) against Biden, against Socialism, ... like I am doing.

This is the sign that should be in the yard:

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