Our man Tim got jobbed! I offer as proof, such as it is, the fact that he won the most votes for first place--OK, that might not be conclusive, but that fact that so many IDIOTS (154, to be exact) left him off the ballet entirely tells the story. From an article in the Gainesville Sun:
"Maybe the most alarming information we received in frigid New York Saturday night was that 127 ballots were received before the last weekend of the season. Tebow was well back in third place after those ballots came in. Then he went out and led Florida past No. 1 Alabama. Among the 777 ballots that were received after that game, Tebow was ahead of Colt McCoy and just a few points behind Bradford.
You vote before the season is over, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
And if that’s not enough to drive you Tebow fans crazy, how about this — 41 different players received third-place votes and 20 received second-place votes. That means there were a bunch of people wasting their votes to make a statement."
No way Tim is not more valuable and a better overall player than those Big 12 yahoos! Can't be. It was fixed--maybe not by the people who put it on, but certainly by those West, Midwest, and Southwest clowns. We need to fight fire with fire: Next time a deserving player from the south is up, say... Tim Tebow, for example, every voter who puts him number 1 should pick two nobodies for #s 2 and 3. It might not be ethical, but it would get the best result. It was the second place votes for Bradford and McCoy that put them over the top.
Here is Tim's press conference after the announcement--very classy guy.
The Timinator did get the Maxwell Award, for the second consecutive year (unusual), and some other stuff (see prior post), but not enough to make up for the Heisman screw job. OTOH, it might work out pretty well in the long run, since the Heisman winner's team typically (last 4 out of 5 years) gets hosed in the bowl game. (See, e.g., OSU 14, UF 41) Go Gators!
"Maybe the most alarming information we received in frigid New York Saturday night was that 127 ballots were received before the last weekend of the season. Tebow was well back in third place after those ballots came in. Then he went out and led Florida past No. 1 Alabama. Among the 777 ballots that were received after that game, Tebow was ahead of Colt McCoy and just a few points behind Bradford.
You vote before the season is over, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
And if that’s not enough to drive you Tebow fans crazy, how about this — 41 different players received third-place votes and 20 received second-place votes. That means there were a bunch of people wasting their votes to make a statement."
No way Tim is not more valuable and a better overall player than those Big 12 yahoos! Can't be. It was fixed--maybe not by the people who put it on, but certainly by those West, Midwest, and Southwest clowns. We need to fight fire with fire: Next time a deserving player from the south is up, say... Tim Tebow, for example, every voter who puts him number 1 should pick two nobodies for #s 2 and 3. It might not be ethical, but it would get the best result. It was the second place votes for Bradford and McCoy that put them over the top.
Here is Tim's press conference after the announcement--very classy guy.
The Timinator did get the Maxwell Award, for the second consecutive year (unusual), and some other stuff (see prior post), but not enough to make up for the Heisman screw job. OTOH, it might work out pretty well in the long run, since the Heisman winner's team typically (last 4 out of 5 years) gets hosed in the bowl game. (See, e.g., OSU 14, UF 41) Go Gators!
How many years has he been at Florida? How many times can you win a Heisman?
He has been there 3 years. The first year he was a backup on the National Championship Team (though he played a lot and contributed mightily); last year he was the main man (especially when Percy was hurt) and racked up some amazing stats that will stand for quite a while; this year he had more weapons, but he was still the Man, and should have gotten the statutette. If he comes back, he'll have one more chance to win it as a senior. He better.
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