Drum roll please.... I'll keep this short and bitter. The good ones were discussed earlier--these are the leftovers, the also-
rans, the detritus of my viewing experience. Don't enjoy.
The X-Files. The truth is out there--and the truth is that
Mulder's time has come and gone. This is for hard core fans only, and then only as a form of closure. May the oddity that was X-Files rest in peace.
War, Inc. This was touted as a sequel to the very well done
Gross Pointe Blank, in which John
Cusack was an angst-ridden hit man hot for Minnie Driver. I'm sorry John needs the money so badly that he did this atrocity. Maybe we should take up a collection. Aside from sleepwalking through it, he didn't have much to work with. Without redeeming value of any kind.
Tropic Thunder. This is a tough one to pan, because it had its moments. (Best Line candidate: "What do
you mean, you people?")
Downey was really a hoot in this as an Australian actor playing a black soldier and Stiller was, well, himself. But worse, if that's possible. Extreme silliness, but when I see it on the program menu, I try to catch that line.
Transporter 3. We search for an answer to the age-old question of "when does a franchise run out of steam?" For this particular series it was after the second one (some would say the first one, but hey, benefit of the doubt--and that combination of garters and machine guns...). I like Jason, and this is a highly flexible concept, but the think tank for this one is decidedly empty. Avoid.
Indiana Jones and the Something of Something. Sad, sad, sad. Just looking at Harrison in this one I aged 10 years. Reminds me of Brett
Favre. Harrison... no, don't put the hat on again...please... let us keep our illusions and memories. Having said that, I suspected as much before I got this one. Watching it was more about closure than enjoyment. It was a tolerable story, but little really new. Maybe the idea is to restart the franchise with
Shia as the new hero. Won't be the same, will it, Roger?
Quantum of Solace. Speaking of which, I think the reviews on this one were right on. Just a pale sequel to the pretty good
Casino Royale. An adventure with no substance to speak of. In fact, I can't remember a single thing about the story, plot, characters, etc. But, it's James Bond, for heaven's sake--what do you expect? Sorry, Danny, you're still not doing it for me. If only you'd dye your hair black...at least you're not the pussy that
Brosnan and Moore were. God, if only Clive Owen would take it on....
Brideshead Revisited. Don't go there, even once. If I were a member of the British aristocracy, I would sue.
Australia. Falls in the category of listen to your family. Laura saw this and had a rant about how bad it was. But it was in
Redbox, how bad could it be for $1? it was worse. Aha, it dawns on me, it isn't the money, it's the time wasted in front of it. (We even
FF'd it and it was dreadful.) In fairness, it did take me back to my youth when they made silly bad movies with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara in front of painted scenery with one or two cows. Wait, maybe this was an
homage to those days.... If so, I'm glad they're gone. (And Marion is rolling over in his grave.)
That's it for now. But don't worry, I see far more movies than I need to and have lots of opinions about them, which I will gladly share with anyone who listens. Take, for example, my white-hot hatred for Cage's latest fiasco, Knowing. I returned the movie to Blockbuster and asked who I needed to talk to to get those 2 hours of my life back. The guy behind the desk said he liked the movie. And I said, well, then, you probably liked that Mel Gibson abomination Signs, too. Yep he did. I shrugged that off. Next day at Redbox, a lady ahead of me was pondering what to rent and I said, "whatever you do, don't get that stupid Nicholas Cage movie." You can guess this, I'm sure...she liked it. I give up.
Bumper Sticker of the Week:
What would Scooby Do?
1 comment:
I'm sorry that you had to waste the three hours of your life on Australia. I agree with you about Tropic Thunder. I hate Ben Stiller but RDJ did a great job. I didn't mind Jack Black either and he isn't high on my list of funny people. I fell asleep during Quantum of "Silence" but that boy sure is pretty!
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