We've heard about Urban Legend, Urban Decay, and Urban Renewal, but this is the sad one. Old Urbie has done gone and quit us--how could he do that? He is too Type A for his small little family to fill up that huge need for activity and, most of all, validation. Crimenently, Trigger, he had an 85 member family of active strong young men, just crying out to be fatherfigured!
But I guess he deserves to try to start a new life. I suspect, however, that if he sits out a few years and then goes back to coach at ND, a lot of Gators will feel cheated and betrayed. Let him do the TV commentating if that works for him, but we (UF) put a lot of time, effort and money into developing his rep and standing (not to mention retirement fund) and it would be a travesty if he took that somewhere else in a short hurry. We can be happy for anyone who retires at that age--and a little jealous--but Urban, do the right thing and stick to your excuse.
Too little time for family? C'mon, why didn't you think of that 25 years ago when the kids were little? It's a lifestyle, you know...success at the level you aspired to costs something. As the drill sargeant therapist would say, "Why don't we chug on over to mamby-pamby land and see if we can find you some family time, you Jackwagon?"
Hey, isn't that Nate in the background of the picture? Think he'll want to be a once-was-a coach's son? No more sideline passes? Did you ask the boy first, Urban? My guess is he'd rather continue to be part of the best team in the southeast than to suddenly have a new Dad who comes to his games. Sheesh.
Probably the best thing we can say to Urban is Good Luck and Thanks for the Memories! He did so much for the program, you can't really be mad at the guy for wanting a life. He deserves it, even if it turns out not to be what he really wants.
14 years ago
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