They say, be careful what you ask for...well, folks, we're gonna get it. And it won't be pretty. Rome, England, all the empires that once were.. now us.
Now that all the craziness of the aborted election fraud contest is behind us, we can look forward to exactly how bad we are about to be screwed. But exactitude is impossible, because we, as rational humans, cannot conceive of the depravity, nonsense, and just plain meanness that the idiots now running the asylum are capable of. But it's fine. Really. Because all good things must end, and the dowager queen that was the United States of America, as we knew it (warts and all) has now been officially exiled. We are left with the same mentality that took over France after the monarchy fell--and look what France is now. Once a world power, now...well, not. We had a good run, 250 years, maybe not as long as the Romans, but hell, they didn't put a Legionnaire on the moon! Quality over quantity.
But it's fine, really it is. The good news is that with any luck, I will not be around to see the worst of it, when our values built up over decades have all but disappeared, our economy is in the crapper, and we are all learning Mandarin as a second (if not first!) language. I think I have enough to live on even with this government's mentality, but the real losers are my/our children (probably) and grandchildren+ (certainly). I predict, mournfully, that the liars, cheats, and scoundrels now occupying the seats of power will do all they can to solidify their base and can never be voted out by reasonable people again. If we stop at socialism, it will be a miracle. So, my remote descendants, grab your ankles and gird your loins, they will be coming for you and what you have.
How did we get into this mess? Bread and circuses...but that isn't all of it. I knew Pat Frank, author of Alas, Babylon, and thought that might be a good title for this post. But it is inaccurate. The title was from the Book of Revelations and mourned "that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come." The premise of the book was that the Soviets would start a nuclear war and the US would be devastated in a short time ("one hour"). That is not our case. We have done this to ourselves over decades, a gradual rotting away of the values and strengths that made us the greatest country on earth for so long. It is easy for a rational person to see it, now that it has become so pervasive, but it is again the lobster pot scenario--we don't know we are being cooked until we find ourselves bright red. (And not in a good way.)
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