Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kentucky Schmentucky

What was supposed to be a challenge for the Gators turned into a rout pretty quickly. More like Barbie-tucky if you ask me!

And yet, this was the second week in a row that the Gators faced the SEC leading rusher (guess what? it happens again next week too) and held him to ridiculous yardage. True, we all knew that the Tennessee guy wouldn't hold up once the real season started, but it seems insane to hold any first string runner on an SEC team to 26 yards on 20 tries...that's stunning. And this week, Locke got his 100+ but most of that was after the second and third string D was mopping up. And how about those 2 interceptions on a team that had ZERO turnovers in the first 3 games? (don't burst the bubble by reminding me who UK played in those games, please). Go Gator D!!!! You rock!

Also, finally, the offense stopped being MIA and kicked some butt early. Let's keep our fingers crossed! Dubose got in...about time... Carl Moore was consistent and terrific...and Burton, what can you say? As they said in the G'ville Sun, "The last time a guy named Burton had a night this great he was honeymooning with Elizabeth Taylor."

Except that all this BS about scoring more touchdowns than Tim Terrific is preposterous. As marvelous as Trey's feat was, TT also had 5 rushing TDs against SC, and 2 scores through the air. Admittedly, Timmy didn't cross the goalline with the ball on those, but he should get some credit for getting it there. Same for Brantley--someone had to throw the ball to Burton. If we split the passing TD credit between thrower and catcher, TB is still 1/2 a score behind TT (as it should be). Let's hope Trey eventually breaks the record for real, but for now, a lot of hype has been prematurely ejaculated. (Don't get me wrong, we LOVE Trey already, but he needs to work really hard to pass our revered Tim. And I think he will. Someday.)

Another opinion from the G'ville Sun writers: "Big-boy football is here."

Here's a freaky stat, and I don't know where to look to check if it's ever happened before. During the game, there were 9 (count 'em, nine) touchdowns scored. Every one was scored (as in crossing the goal line) by a player wearing a jersey with the number 8 on it. Coincidence? I think not.

Demps again...does he ever have a bad game?

and the new guy, Dubose. About time.

Carl Moore has been playing well.  Good comeback.

And, once again, props to the defense for shutting down a high scoring team.  Bostic gets an early interception.
 Ahmad - hardest working Gator out there!

Bumper Sticker of the Week:
(here's one for the Democrats)
Ignoring the facts doesn't change the facts.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Though much is taken, much abides...

Had a meeting at the beach this morning and spent the rest of the day "working at home," or another euphemism for goofing off at the beach. The new lawn man came to give me an estimate--the old guy has to go, blew his last chance--and then the AC went out. Eventually the pump man showed up and fixed it, but it was nip and tuck. Poor Jane was sweltering most of the day! (as was Winnie) Lucky it wasn't the height of summer.

The Forecast at 8 to 9 feet, but it didn't look that big. Lots of surfers out, some really good ones. Not the usual rummies we get with the 2 foot swells. I don't have a surfboard anymore and I'm not sure I would have challenged the big breakers--though they weren't too rough, more rolling--I did decide you only go around once (well, that we remember anyway), so I dashed out about 6:30 to go body surfing with my relatively new Body Glove board (I bought it for Pierce over the summer, and it had never been out of the wrapper). I don't know if I was even on the right side of the thing, but, as I lay on it panting and cramping after about 20 minutes of getting beat to death by whitewater, I said "Lord, please let me have just one good ride." And I dropped right down the next big-ish one and into the best 30 second wave I've had in 40 years. Still can't hold a candle to snowboarding, but it was all I had at the time.

Jane and Winnie were watching from the beach, and the ambiance and situation made me think (for a fleeting instant) I was 20 again; my body disagreed, but I ignored it. Apparently Winnie started barking after me right as I went in and didn't stop til I came back. Who knows what she was on about, but what a sweetheart she is.

I hope the ocean is calmer tomorrow. I have to get some work done.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tennessissy Falls Again

It's kinda hard to get all medieval on UT now that Kiffen has moved on (and Fulmer before him). That new coach seems like a nice guy. And pretty smart. Forget that he has a full pedigree from a Georgia football family, if you can.
The game seemed to lack some intensity. They were pretty pathetic, really...about time someone on the field was more pitiful than the Gators. But we didn't run them out of the stadium's a sad thing when your offense is so impotent that it takes a fake punt to wake them up. But it's beautiful when it works!

After that, things seem to fall back into place.  It worked out as it should.
Gillislee, Hammond and Burton, Oh My!

And of course, there was some Defense...

Haven't said anything about Rainey, and won't.

But the best part of the game was at the end, when we found Waldo!

Bumper Sticker of the Week:

I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

USF ... BullsNot Today

Ah, the same letters as those of another team that's going to get mauled by the Gators, just scrambled around. The South Florida Bulls--another pretender to the King of the Florida Hill! They didn't look so fake on that first drive, though--96 yards...yikes! Fortunately, they couldn't get much going the rest of the day. Their QB completed a lot of passes, but quite a few were to the guys in the orange pants.
Ahmad does it again!
 Justin gets a pick 6!
 Maybe this had something to do with the interceptions...
So, the D saved us again. Without Ammad's interception at the close of the half, we'd have been behind at the half! Outrageous! But at least the snaps were good.

Actually, the offense wasn't all that bad once they got rolling. First we used the 2 - 3 punch on them.

Then, when that got boring, we used the 23 punch.

And did I mention the D?
Bumper Sticker of the Week:

Take my advice...I'm not using it.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Guest Pass to Beach Week

The kids all (all but Shelley and Brantley) gathered at Anna Maria for the perennial Beach Week, and Jane and I popped over for the day. It was Labor Day, so it is appropriate they spend it with their mother. As to Brian and Pete, not sure what that connection implies, other than it's work to stay sane when the Stockton clan gets together.

I had just gotten my new EVO Droid phone and was dying to show it off to the iPhone crowd from out West. It has all the good stuff like a nav program, internet access, etc.  So we were rolling along on our way to Anna Maria using the nav function of the phone. As we turned west towards Bradenton, Jane asked me something about a song...I think it was who wrote "My Way" by Frank Sinatra.  Of course, I had to look it up on my phone, and though I ultimately found it, i was using the phone at a critical point in the navigation.  I was already irritated by the voice, so I had turned the volume down.  by the time we were on the big bridge, I realized something wasn't quite right, as we were heading back to St. Pete.  Pulled off, turned around, and cranked up the Tom Tom to head back over the bridge towards the island.  Made for a late arrival, but I learned a lesson about trying to use too many functions at once.
The house was lovely, and close to the beach. It was fun to see everyone again, though I wonder if the twins remembered us--they seemed preoccupied with the pool, as young children can be.  Pierce was a doll, as usual, and we had a smooth visit. I tried to let him beat me at ping pong, but I couldn't play that badly. Great to see everyone, even if only for a short while, and the absence of B & S was noticeable.  On to the wedding!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Miami of Ohio

Who knew that would be so tough...or we would be so bad? Everyone looking for another blowout win (like last year) for the first game was treated to a W that just blew. (Or sucked, depending on your preference.) Bad snap...fumble...bad snap....fumble...etc. WTF?
Here are some pieces from the G'ville Sun that cam out before the game...very clever.
"Last season we knew what the present was. We knew what the team was going to look like, feel like. We knew what the players would say about the coaches and the coaches about the players. We knew that team would win big. We just weren't sure how big.
This year, we aren't really sure what's hidden underneath the fancy wrapping.
And that's what every season is, isn't it? A present under the tree, waiting to be opened and played with. Friday night is like Christmas Eve, butterflies trying to escape your belly. The stadium is your living room, the goalposts the tree. Let's see what Santa Urban brought us this year.
Happy season."
"It's Opening Day, a day like no other. Miami of Ohio has been paid handsomely to be the Washington Generals. As great as it will be for Gator fans to finally see their team, they will also know the real tests are down the road.
It will be hot. It will be sticky.
Someone will pass out, for one reason or another.
You won't feel like your seat is wide enough or your drink cold enough.
You will get goosebumps when the video starts before this team, your new team, runs out onto the field.
You will second-guess and second an emotion.
You will eat food you wouldn't serve at home.
Typical Christmas."

Guess we all got underwear.

Dempsie looked good.
Pouncey looked horrible.
Odd that I can't find pics of Brantley scrambling back to recover the errant snaps from Mike.

Rainey did well.

The defense was pretty sharp, all things considered. 

Trey scored a touchdown short, but generally the offense couldn't do timing, no rythm, very frustrating.  Still, the Gators were never in danger, as attested by Urban's going for it on 4th down repeatedly. Would have been better to have made a few of them.

Bumper Sticker of the Week:

Shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.