Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Utah - Damn, Fell off the Horse Again

First, let me say that it is terrible to get old and not be able to do the things you did when you were young(er). I used to go skiing with my Dad and be on the hill every day from when the lifts opened (around 9 ish) until catching the last lift up to the top (ever my goal) at 4. Best of all was to ride the last chair before the lift shut down.  S-w-e-e-e-t.   Now I wake up, groan around a bit, and wonder if it's worth it to buy a half day ticket. S-a-a-d.

I was awakened by a phone call from a business associate and stayed on the phone with him and doing various things until about 11:30. Then came emails. [Sigh] I suppose I could say I was resting my legs for tomorrow when the powder makes everything slower and more exhausting, or that the conditions had been getting thinner each day and it was getting dangerous. (See yesterday's post.) But maybe I have to admit I was just still tired. Whatever…I stayed in, don't judge me.

In the afternoon I wandered over to town and checked out the wonderful local Utah stores, e.g., Sports Authority and WalMart. Got some Duck Tape for my ripped board bag, a Park City shirt, another pair of goggles, and some socks. Oh, the excitement of it all…help me keep from swooning.

It got really thrilling when I went to find the rest of the Jax crew in the fancy subdivision in the Canyons; who would name a residential subdivision "The Colony"? Who lives there, ants? Lepers? You might expect something from M. Night Shyamalan. And yet,…very expensive houses all around. I spent the better part of an hour finding the place, thanks to the SFB in the guard house. He directed me the wrong way twice. That way included 2 trips up a steep road, across a narrow bridge which led to nowhere and tooling around other peoples mansions. The real thrill came from the fact that it had been snowing since the top of the page (Firesign Rules) and the Ford Focus is not a snow-mobile. Steep, slippery roads with falling snow = stressful driving. That jerk. Hmm, what do I recall about fool me once, shame on you, etc? Next time down the hill I took a different route but managed to miss the house all on my own. One more U-turn and I was there.

I had purchased some beer as a house warming gift for the crew, and was dressed quasi-cowboy style in my Broncos coat and gambler's hat. The look on Melissa Nelson's face when she answered the door was priceless. Apparently they were expecting food and not me, and she didn't recognize me (the hat?)--imagine the awkwardness, I didn’t help by saying "Time for a party…." Finally, mercifully, I said my name and was ushered in. A small moment in life to puzzle over. Anyway, the house is fantastic, and that's only the part that I saw. I think there are 9 or 10 inhabitants--I will be another during the day--and it still looked empty. Of course, several were sleeping, but who's quibbling. The fun starts tomorrow at 9 AM when the lifts open. As I do not enjoy being square, I will attempt to be there. Rock on!

Dinner at Park City Pizza Co, tucked away in a small strip mall near the Usual Suspects, was excellent--a gluten-free pizza (whatever that means). May well eat there again.

Here's the link
It was accompanied by an excellent Amber Wheat draft (called Hazel, brewed by Uinta, and no, that's not a typo).  

My God, It's Sarah Palin!

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