Friday, February 3, 2012

Utah - Friday's Children . . . go skiing

Friday...Friday...Friday.  I got to the house on time, and we all left together. Our first run of the day was up Iron Mountain with most of guys and Katherine (Jeremy's better half).  We swung aound and found--thank you Beau--Iron Man, a Black Diamond under the lift line.  Had I seen it before I plunged off, I never would have gone.  Steep wasn't too bad, but nasty morning moguls everywhere.  Katherine was the only smart one and went around. I got half way down and then cut through the woods to the next run over.  Hell of a way to start the day, I'll say.

But then we went over to the Dreamcatcher lift, which is much easier; the guys took a first run down Chimera, a Black Diamond, while Katherine and I skated down a groomed blue run, Alpenglow.  I was not embarrassed at all--it was smooth, wide and lots of fun.  Even found a little powder.  On the second run, the other snowboarder of the group went with us, preferring not to challenge the moguls again.  It seems it is easier to navigate the moguls on skis than on a snowboard...something about speed of making turns. I second that, and they can have 'em.

After a few more runs, the Big Boys (the expert skiers) went to the top where it's all black and mostly Double Diamonds (called the Ninety Nine 90 Express).  They later said it was fun, but one of the best (Jeremy) got dinged up a bit, so I can imagine what would have happened to me and my comrades.  Josh and I stayed with Sarah, her husband Dave, and one of the twins, the Swiss Miss, I think (that's another story). We weren't together long because at the top of the second lift (Day Break) Josh and I went down under the lift onto a  cute little blue run called Dawn (lots of powder) and the rest went home. That run was so much fun, despite some bumpy spots, we took it again 3 or 4 more times. Then I was toast, and we headed for home.

Got some video running down Cascade, but missed Josh's big pileup on the side of the run--literally.  Some skiers were dogging me on the left and I was being funneled right into Josh as he sat on the snow.  A quick jerk on the board and up the hill I went, missing him by about a foot. I have a video from that starting point, but it needs to be trimmed to post (too big).  It's a bit annoying unless you've never seen a snowboarding video before, and maybe even then.

Best run of the day was a tossup between Alpenglow and Dawn, the former being sweet and easy to cruise, and the latter having a generous portion of glorious powder. Worst run? No question it was the first one on Iron Man.

And yet, the worst part of the day was still ahead.  Folks were scurrying about, going down to Park City to try to catch the previous day's lightning in a bottle at some bar.  I hung out at the house for chat and a few beers, then headed back to my hovel to do some laundry.  I had changed out of my snowboad boots and was carrying them in one hand, with my board in the other.  Slow steps down the driveway to the parked car.  One step...another, then boom! Feet went out, I got horizontal somewhere around 24" with nothing for it but to come down on my ass! I had to lie there for a bit to be able to get up, with a bruised left hip, but more importantly, a strained right groin.  Apparently I didn't hit exactly flat and got torqued a bit.  If I hadn't been wearing my backpack...who knows?  Another sign from the universe about getting a helmet?

After composing myself I headed back to the PCPC for dinner--a sandwich this time, and another conversation with Hazel.  Laundry was OOTQ, so I just limped home to tend to my wounds.  Tomorrow is another day...

1 comment:

Aunt LaLa said...

Yes PLEASE please get a helmet. I can't believe you went through the whole day and it was the parking lot that screwed you. Murphy's Law.