Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cold Cocked

With apologies to the local paper for stealing that headline, it is once again time to bemoan the state of the Gator offense--it's beyond cold, it's frozen.  It's terrible. It's become Addazio'd. (Ah, a new adjective, used to mean incompetent, or in way over one's head.) What is the point in creating a 3 headed monster if you only show one head at a time?  Why not have them shift around before the snap, like the Georgia game? Stupid.  Beyond stupid, it's criminal.  Here is an opinion snippet from the Gainesville Sun:

"It was the UF offense we saw in back-to-back losses to LSU and Mississippi State. What happened to the hurry-up offense? What happened to Burton and Reed seeing significant snaps in the shotgun? It was almost as if the Gators forgot what got their offense cranked up coming out of the open date three weeks ago."

But, in fairness, we must also congratulate the University of South Carolina Gamecocks for a great game.  Obviously the two teams that played Alabama both showed up. Well done, Steve and gang. Props to Marcus Lattimore--he killed it.  And the post-game celebration and comments were very tasteful and reserved, under the circumstances.  Just because you broke our collective Gator hearts, don't let that bother you on the trip back to Columbia....

No, this is, as you said Steve-o, South Carolina's time in the spotlight.  About time.  What wasn't said, however, is that you get to go to Atlanta and have the same thing done to you in the Championship game. 
You've seen this guy before, and you should find him even more awesome by December.  He should be plenty pissed by then.
War Eagle!! 

The Gators must regroup now and practice beating up on App State, so they can whip our in-state rival FSU.  A win there would ease the pain a bit, and possibly keep us out of Shreveport for the holidays.  Gator Bowl?  We can only hope.  Maybe play someone easy, like Penn State.  Maybe even Utah...wouldn't that be a storyline?

No, no pictures, please.  OK, if you insist, just this one: Dubose returning the opening kickoff for a TD.
Our bright spot for the evening, lasting exactly 14 seconds.

Bumper Sticker of the Week:
(another one for Addazio)

Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others, whenever they go.

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