Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Time to admit it...

Hi, my name is Rick, and I'm a blogaholic. I haven't blogged in 11 days.

[Chorus] Hi, Rick.

It's really hard... real life. You know, it was great being on vacation, when I had something to say, and had some time in the evening when I could compose my thoughts, and be funny and creative...but at work it just isn't the same.

I've been wandering around, trying to figure out what to do next with nothing worth writing about in my blog. Work is so boring. I'm thinking of taking a hit of Facebook, just to ... ya know... get a quick taste and get myself goin' again.

[Chorus] No, Rick, hang in there ....

But ... you know... all my family and what few friends I have left are on Facebook. Can it really be that bad?
H-E-L-L-O-O? Where's the harm? Will you...will you be my friend? Or maybe, I can be yours? I'm all a-twitter....
[cue the closing music] Well, folks, there's an end to another sad story, as well as a wasted week. Join us again next time when Rick says, "What do you mean your MySpace page won't accept my posts?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you've just got to take a hiatus. Or siesta.

Motivation will return.