Monday, February 2, 2009

Vacation - Super Sunday

Getting up at 9 didn't insure timely departure for the slope (big surprise). Eventually out at 11, but rocking it from the get-go. Dave and I tried to stay on the mountain where the house is, and found some lovely green runs to get started. I was comfortable all day, even though we came home for lunch and a little imbibing. Dave did his first (intentional) blue, and was picking it up logarithmically (as many snowboarders tend to do). I helped. Really a fun day, light to get started, and no broken bones. (I had a little run-in with a very small tree, and possibly bruised my thumb, but that's an unnecessary digit for snowboarding.) No jumps to speak of, though I was tempted to try the small terrain park while the little ones were tubing. That's a hoot. Fortunately, it was at the end of the day and common sense took over. The day ended with the exciting finale of the Superbowl! What a game. (see Cornbread Pyramid for further details of that).

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